
@benjojo Hello, do you have the possibility to find which email is linked to an AS on bgptools ? I can login via peeringdb, but I absolutely don't remember which email I used as an account... AS58308. maybe just send a forgotten password to the mail ?

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@asl I don't have a good way to do that at the moment, the best recommendation I can give is:

A) Look at your whois, and check all of the emails available there, assuming none of them have changed, one of them will be a valid login email (with a re-settable password)

B) At worst, email admin(at) from the same domain name and I might be able to help you out

FWIW, I've thought about the "forgotten email" function, but it's tricky to make this work without it being a pest to anonymous users who like to abuse things, A lot of what I have to build has to have a good answer to the "and what will the worst possible user do with this"

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