"The *only* reason curl is popular, is because it is *free* and it might have been first. Using curl is a temporary cost cutting measure. curl is a tool for the poor. "

Aart de Vries apparently knows.


@bagder I'm so sorry that you are subjected to this level of venom regularly.
In an attempt to be a less silent majority, I would like more of us to speak up and appreciate the hard work that goes into #foss maintenance. Thanks for a wonderful tool that a BILLION people use, that's remarkable!

@shom I do feel that I get a fair share of love and appreciation that compensate for the occasional loonies that appear. But thank you!


@bagder @shom Well, we can also try in different languages.

Merci beaucoup pour ce sublime logiciel, et pour garder les pieds sur terre, afin de nous donner des explications claires en termes compréhensibles. Gloire à vous, Ô Daniel Stenberg !

(yeah, too much, ok ;) )

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